Discover the World of Reiki – A Journey to Balance & Harmony 

Discover the World of Reiki – A Journey to Balance & Harmony 

At first, I was skeptical about Reiki. It wasn’t until I went to a Reiki class that I truly felt its energy, and to be honest, Reiki found me. Now, I’ve found my calling as a Reiki Practitioner. I am currently a Certified Level II Reiki Practitioner and am in the process of becoming a Reiki Master. In this blog, I want to help you discover the world of Reiki and what it can do for you in your journey to balance and harmony. 

What is Reiki? 

Let’s get one thing out of the way first. How does one pronounce Reiki? Reiki is pronounced ray-key. Reiki is a holistic energy healing modality that originated from the spiritual experiences of a Japanese Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui. It made its way to the United States in the 1930s. Certified Reiki practitioners rebalance and facilitate the proper energy flow through one’s chakras. Practitioners connect to divinity and the universal life force energy to mobilize that energy where necessary to promote well-being and harmony. 

The Five Reiki Principles

One of the things I love about Reiki is the Five Reiki Principles, which are:

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

They remind you that today is a gift and show you how to focus on being the best you can be each day. 

Reiki Energy 

Reiki comprises two Japanese words: REI, which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power,” and KI, which means “life force energy.” This KI, the life force energy, is the heart of Reiki energy. The cool thing about Reiki energy is that it’s not my energy. It’s the energy of the higher power that is all around us. As a Reiki practitioner, I am attuned to channeling this divine energy through my hands to promote healing, balance, and well-being through your body.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the main energy centers in your body, and there are 7 of them. Here is a brief overview of them. 

Chakra system

THE ROOT CHAKRA – The root chakra sits at the base of your spine/tailbone. It gives us the sense of feeling grounded and confident. 

THE SACRAL CHAKRA – The sacral chakra sits at the lower abdomen. It gives us creativity and allows us to relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. 

THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – The solar plexus sits at the upper abdomen above the stomach. It speaks to our ability to be confident. 

THE HEART CHAKRA – The heart chakra sits at the center of our chest above our heart. It influences our ability to give and receive love to others and ourselves. 

THE THROAT CHAKRA – The throat chakra sits at our throat. It helps us communicate our power. 

THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA – The third eye chakra sits on the forehead between the eyes. It controls our ability to see the bigger picture and connect to our intuition. It’s the “eye of the soul.” 

THE CROWN CHAKRA – The crown chakra is the highest chakra at the top of the head. It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. 

If you would like to learn more about chakras in-depth, you should head over and read this article: The 7 Chakras For Beginners And Their Meanings | mindbodygreen.

Working the Chakras 

The word chakra translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit. Chakras are vital in Reiki; people often liken them to spinning wheels. Sometimes, your chakras or “wheels” may spin slowly or be stuck. Reiki practitioners help clear things out so they can spin freely. When chakras are fully open – the wheels spin freely, but when chakras get blocked – the wheels may start to spin slowly or get stuck. 

As your Reiki practitioner, I guide energy into each chakra, ensuring they spin freely. As I work through your chakras, I pull out the negative energy and draw in the positive energy to ensure that your chakras are balanced and in harmony. 

The Reiki Session 

Reiki sessions are held in a peaceful environment to optimize your relaxation. To avoid extra stimulation, I conduct my Reiki sessions in a darkened room with light music. I want you to feel relaxed and let the energy flow. 

Reiki practitioners will gently place their hands on areas of your body, or they may hover their hands. I don’t “lay my hands” on you – I hover them over you.

Practitioners sometimes also talk to you as they work through each chakra. I recommend going through that at the end of your session.

I start each Reiki session by asking divinity for blessings and guidance and then begin working on the chakras. I go where my hands get drawn to, like magnets to the chakras that need balancing. 

Each Reiki session is unique to each person. People report various feelings and emotions, from feelings of heaviness to feelings of warmth or cold to even feeling tight and then feeling lighter. The experience varies from person to person.

Also, each Reiki practitioner varies in their approach. It’s crucial to find a practitioner whose style resonates with you. You have to feel comfortable and safe with them during your Reiki session. 

Benefits of Reiki

The benefits of Reiki are numerous and diverse. It has found a place alongside conventional healthcare, providing a holistic approach to healing and well-being. Reiki can be beneficial for everyone, including children. 

Some of the benefits of Reiki include, but are not limited to, helping with the following:

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Sleep
  • Stress reduction 
  • Overall mood and well-being 
  • Pre- and post-surgery care

If you are skeptical of Reiki’s benefits, please just give it a try! 

That Reiki Feeling 

Reiki provides a holistic approach to healing by unlocking stuck energies to give balance and harmony while embracing the beauty of divine connection. As I said at the beginning, I believe Reiki found me.

I feel honored and blessed to help others receive the many benefits Reiki offers. I feel blessed to help them find balance, harmony, and relaxation. Reiki has done so much for me; it can do the same for you. I urge you to give it a try.

If you haven’t yet experienced a Reiki session, I would love to help you open that door to positive energy, peace and freely spinning chakras.

Schedule with me here:

<3 Skye

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